Celebrating Women’s History Month. Jane Price Sharp, Editor Emerita of The Pocahontas Times, receiving the Adam R. Kelly ...
Suzanne Stewart Staff Writer When you stop at a gas station/convenience store, you usually go in, get what you need, pay and ...
Suzanne Stewart Staff Writer There may still be some snow clinging to the ground in the northern shade, but spring is just ...
Shelia Lorraine Bennett Rexrode, 73, of Durbin, entered into eternal rest Thursday, February 20, 2025, at her daughter’s home ...
Jason Thomas Lane, 51, of Marlinton, unexpectedly passed away at his home Sunday, March 23, 2025. Born June 10, 1973, in ...
All Newspaper Men Will Tell You So The editor may read the proofs of a newspaper four times and pass repeatedly over the same error without seeing it, says an exchange. All newspaper men will tell you ...
How and why is this project of great importance to see through to completion? In years past, the Town has spent thousands of dollars in fines related to certain violations of regulations, as required ...
Spring is just around the corner. For the early Appalachian life, that meant the availability of healthy fresh greens everywhere. After a long winter of living off dried and canned foods, the bright ...
Life threatening health issues and accidents happen every day and thousands end in hospitalizations. Blood donations can mean the difference between life and death in many situations. Knowing your ...
FIVE TRAGEDIES A man struck a match to see if the gasoline tank in his automobile was empty. It wasn’t. A man patted a strange bulldog on the head to see if the critter was affectionate. It wasn’t. A ...