Climbing shoes, harnesses, helmets, and belay devices Harnesses, helmets, rock shoes and belay devices are free of charge for use at the climbing wall during top-rope climbing hours. Rock climbing ...
Climbing shoes and harnesses are available for usage at no charge through Equipment Issuance. The UD Rock Wall is a custom A.R.T. Wall by Nicros that is designed to look like a real rock face. The ...
Manufactured by Joyride, Climbstation is a rock climbing wall with a rotating system that enables users to climb indefinitely. Follow Tech Insider: On Facebook More from Tech This machine lets ...
A mobile rock climbing wall that is mounted on a trailer and designed for fast assembly and dismantling can be used both for instruction and business promotion purposes. instruction: This aspect ...
Manufactured by Joyride, Climbstation is a rock climbing wall with a rotating system that enables users to climb indefinitely. Produced by Gene Kim and Rob Ludacer. Follow TI: On Facebook More ...