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RENO, Nev. (KOLO ... Service issued an emergency closure of federal land near the fire, including the area along Hunter Creek Trail to the north, Franktown Road to the south, the Forest ...
Fire support staff who clear brush and ... trees that blocked trails in three wilderness areas around Reno and Carson City — trails that are not only used by people enjoying the public lands ...
“I'm honestly pretty terrified of this upcoming fire season,” she told ... more than 100 trees that blocked trails in three wilderness areas around Reno and Carson City — trails that are ...
SYLVIA, Kan. (KSNW) — A heat lamp in a chicken coop sparked a house fire in Reno County. Reno County Emergency Management says it happened shortly before 8 a.m. Thursday in the 200 block of ...
A person is injured after a fire spread through several vehicles near the El Reno Airport, according to El Reno Police. Police say fire crews responded to a report of a vehicle fire at a well site ...
Authorities received a call reporting a possible fall of a hiker on the Canyon Overlook Trail at 7:06 a.m., Utah ... services from Hurricane Valley Fire and Rescue were first on the scene ...
EL RENO, Okla. (KFOR) — A vehicle fire caused the El Reno Regional Airport to close briefly on Friday. Officials with the airport confirmed that a fire started at an oil field where a fracking ...