Odysseus' son may be the presumptive successor to his father as head the noblest house in Ithaca, but Telemachus will have to assert and defend this claim. The suitors envision a situation in which ...
Matt Damon has been revealed as Odysseus, the hero at the center of Christopher Nolan's upcoming 'The Odyssey' movie.
After the war is won Odysseus begins his journey home to Ithaca where his wife Penelope and son Telemachus are waiting for him. It has not yet been confirmed who is playing these roles in Nolan's ...
Discover the first leaked photos of Tom Holland as Telemachus in Christopher Nolan's 'The Odyssey', filmed in Greece.
Production on Christopher Nolan's new film The Odyssey began earlier this month in Europe, leading to some more solidified ...
In the ancient Greek city of Ithaca, many impatiently await the return ... Among these, Ulysses' devoted wife Penelope and his grown son Telemachus. But Ulysses' return is not eagerly awaited ...
Her son, Telemachus, suggests an archery competition to choose her husband. But there is a mystery competitor, a traveller who has returned to his homeland. Odysseus is the King of Ithaca ...
Shogun star Cosmo Jarvis has joined the cast of Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey - and I don't think the cast list is ever going to end. According to Deadline, Jarvis has joined the pic in an unknown ...