Succulents are some of the most popular houseplants because they come in all shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. Their versatile nature means you can also use them in a number of ways, from ...
But reaching out of nooks in the cracked crust along the desert's coast, there lie thousands of Copiapoa cacti. A cactus group made up of more than 30 species, Copiapoa are found only in Chile.
But the only secluded shady spots in the desert are often right next to a cholla cactus, so contact is inevitable! But even worse was the array of dislodged pads on or in the ground already ...
If you would like to add some unique plants to the landscape, porch, or even in the house, consider succulent plants. Succulents have thick, fleshy stems, leaves, or roots designed to hold water.
Some cacti and succulents have swollen roots that store up water for the days when it doesn't rain; sometimes in the desert it doesn't rain for months. The tallest cactus in the world, growing up ...
Among spring blooms noted in his book are purple Canterbury Bells, California Buckwheat, Bigelow Coreopsis, and hot pink Beavertail Cactus blooms. The window for desert wildflowers in Apple Valley is ...