From the black dog of Hanging Hill to the Little People's Village, these Connecticut legends have ties to Celtic myths.
Archaeologists Taken Aback by Discovery of Burial Site Older Than Stonehenge, 'Possibly Served as a Prototype' Stonehenge is ...
Archaeologists Stunned by 4000-year-old Structure In Denmark That's Eerily Identical To British 'Stonehenge' Britain’s ...
New research suggests that, as well as being a probable centre for the veneration of the Sun, Stonehenge was also a fertility temple. A detailed study of a partly buried fallen stone at the monument ...
Blocks were brought to Salisbury Plain from all over the country in a grand project that would have taken about eight months – uniting people in the process ...
Initially, its similarities to Stonehenge had archeologists and historians assuming that Flagstones must be of a similar date ...
Learn about Flagstones, a circular enclosure in southern Britain that is now dated to around 3200 B.C.E The site, which was ...
Many archaeological discoveries make themselves known to the world by mere accident, and construction workers in Denmark have ...
The Britons that built the iconic Stonehenge structure were most likely black, according to a new study. The study, performed ...
As well as sharing similarities with other Danish woodhenges, there is also a striking parity with a known woodhenge in ...
Archaeologists in Denmark have discovered the remains of a large timber circle that may be contemporaneous with England's ...
Archaeologists have determined that the stone circle monument in Dorset, UK is older than previously thought, dating back to ...