For centuries, scientists have been trying to determine who built Stonehenge. Today, the leading theory is that several ...
There is now an abundance of archaeological evidence that indicates the solar alignment was part of the architectural design of Stonehenge. Around 2500 BC, the people who put up the large stones ...
New research suggests that, as well as being a probable centre for the veneration of the Sun, Stonehenge was also a fertility temple. A detailed study of a partly buried fallen stone at the monument ...
Like Stonehenge, this newly-discovered wooden ritual site also appears to have been arranged in alignment with the Sun. And, potentially, both may have served as gathering places for locals and ...
Ever since serious scientific study of Stonehenge began, archaeologists have noted its alignment with the movements ... for visitors approaching on the solar axis. The only other stone which ...
I spotted Baltimorehenge. The sun lined up just so in the west, sending a bright shaft of light down East Lombard Street, ...
Stonehenge is one of the world’s most famous ... Stone Henge’s heyday would last around 200 years until 1900BC. The stones’ alignment means that on the Summer Solstice the Sun rises directly ...
Because, in solar alignment terms, it seems to have been ... Certainly, it is significant that more effort was expended to bring it to Stonehenge than any of the monument’s other stones ...