Mysterious and ancient sites can be found anywhere in the world. See why this important cultural site in Oahu is called 'The ...
It's still unclear how ancient people moved the giant stones that make up Stonehenge today. | Credit: Chris Gorman/Big Ladder ...
A new study, published in the journal Remote Sensing, assessed satellite images of the monument in Syria and found that it may have been used as an astronomical observatory in ancient times.
Ben Robinson is one of Britain’s handful of aerial archaeologists ... With his bird’s eye view Ben casts fresh light on the archaeology and history of Hadrian’s Wall, Stonehenge, the ...
Some people think that Stonehenge was used to study the movements of the Sun and Moon. Other people think it was a place of healing. The ancient Britons believed that the Sun and Moon had a ...
Was Stonehenge an ancient calendar? A new study says no. The Carnac stones, located in Brittany in northwestern France, date back around 6,000 years. They consist of about 3,000 stones ...