When you hear the word volcano and Washington State you immediately think Mt. St. Helens. The 5.1 magnitude eruption on May ...
Decades after Mount St. Helens' eruption sent almost 90 billion cubic feet of debris into the upper Toutle Valley, sediment ...
It's common knowledge that Yellowstone Park sits on top of an ancient supervolcano, but what happened last time it erupted?
Much like in 1980, if we started seeing more frantic rumbling, then the media coverage would become intense, and it could ...
Now Washington State officials are looking over state plans for evacuation and other plans in case of a big eruption at Mt.
The May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens sent ash 12 miles (19 kilometers) into the sky in the first 10 minutes of the explosion. Volcanoes like Mount St. Helens also often release pyroclastic ...
WA leaders are reassessing their plans for the possibility of an eruption at Mount Adams or Mount St. Helens. Dozens of ... who reports to who," said Volcano Program Manager Brian Terbush at ...
Monitoring stations around Mount Adams noted nine earthquakes ranging from magnitude 0.9 to 2.0 near the volcano between ...
Mount Adams, Washington state's largest active volcano, is witnessing a surge in seismic activity. The seismic activity has ...