Hate on musicals all you like, there remains an artistic reason for this "The Color Purple" singing. The relationship between Celie and Shug Avery, the alluring chanteuse played by Taraji P.
Spielberg Has Admitted He Didn't Get Shug And Celie's Romance Right Were you surprised to see "The Color Purple" on /Film's list of the greatest queer movies you didn't realize were queer?
The 1985 Color Purple film featured a brief kiss between Celie and Shug, played then by Whoopi Goldberg and Margaret Avery. In the 2023 film, the characters kiss, wake up in bed together and share ...
This film follows the life of Celie, a young black girl growing up in the early 1900's. The first time we see Celie, she is 14 - and pregnant - by her father. We stay with her for the next 30 ...
In 1909 Celie a black American girl is given away in marriage by her abusive father to a local farmer Albert who treats her cruelly. Celie is God fearing and deliverance comes in the form of jazz ...