The gray whales are on their annual migration path between breeding grounds in Mexico and feeding grounds off the coast of ...
Plover nesting season has arrived on the Oregon Coast and officials are reminding beachgoers to be mindful in their habitat.
The Oregon coast is undeniably alluring. Sandy beaches, rocky cliffs and outcroppings. Waterfalls, water spouts, sand dunes. Puffins, pelicans, cormorants. Elk and whales. In a state defined by ...
Oregon State Parks is set to host Spring Whale Watch Week along the Oregon Coast from Saturday, March 22, through Sunday, ...
It doesn’t make much prodding to make a trip to the Oregon coast sound delightful, but if you need added inspiration, here are two reasons to contemplate a visit. A readers’ choice survey in Newsweek ...
Related: Recipe for disaster: Oregon Coast group puts a twist on emergency food preparedness When the next Cascadia quake hits, experts say Oregon’s coastal towns could be on their own for up to ...