One of those solutions is becoming a blowout natural. This means you can take a break from your curls without the heightened risk of heat damage that can come with straightening your hair.
Please watch: "Natural Hair Journey 2016!" <a href=""></a> -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- THANK ...
There are many different ways to straighten your hair, both temporarily and permanently. Learn about each method and what ...
Don’t have a hair dryer at home? No problem! These simple tricks speed up your hair-drying process and leave you with ...
So, Stylist set out to investigate how realistic a bouncy blow-dry (with minimal damage) is for natural, coil and tightly textured hair. 1. If you have natural curls or silk-pressed hair Dyson has ...
While there’s nothing wrong with letting your hair air-dry to its natural texture, if you’re looking to achieve a salon-quality blowout at home, you’re going to need a hair dryer (and a good ...