A hiker fell to his death while scaling a canyon with his family and friends in Colorado, officials said. The Boulder County Regional Communication Center received a 911 text about the injured fallen ...
The 41-year-old was climbing with friends and family in the popular Riviera area in Boulder County Sunday afternoon when he ...
A climber from Golden died Sunday afternoon after falling in the Riviera climbing area west of Boulder.
A Golden man fell to his death while climbing with friends and family in the Bouler Canyon area over the weekend, county ...
A climber died in Boulder on Sunday after sustaining injuries in a fall in the 33700 block of Boulder Canyon Drive, which the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office said was the Riviera climbing ...
There are plenty of naturally protected routes but the Blue Mountains hosts a wide range of climbing styles and there are plentiful prime sport climbing crags here, some among the best in the land.
nps.gov One mountain climber is dead and another is injured after the two-person team fell 1,000 feet while climbing in Alaska on April 25. According to a press release from the National Park ...
Police said the two had left Wasamata Hutte in Kamikitayama at around 7 a.m. on Dec. 14 and were climbing around Mount ... he fell about 30 meters down a mountain slope. Koyama suffered head ...
Climbing facilities usually open on the mountain's Shizuoka side around July ... 18 who injured themselves in falls and 12 who had difficulty walking because of fatigue. The Yamanashi side also ...