As time started going on, the concerns were headaches, nosebleeds, people from farms ... Moss Landing? A: The same thing that happened in Hinkley is happening in this entire region where the fire ...
The Texas company that built a huge battery storage plant at Moss Landing that burned in a major fire last month ... across miles of residential and farm areas near the Santa Cruz-Monterey ...
Monterey County residents near Moss Landing were told late Tuesday to close their windows and doors overnight after a fire broke out at the Vistra Energy lithium-ion battery storage facility near ...
Sophia is your community news reporter covering the North Coast of San Luis Obispo County, including Los Osos, Morro Bay, Cayucos, Cambria and San Simeon. A fire was reported at the Vistra battery ...
The Texas company that built a huge battery storage plant at Moss Landing that burned in a major fire last month ... across miles of residential and farm areas near the Santa Cruz-Monterey ...