The site’s high montane forest ecosystems influence the Indian monsoon weather pattern. Moderating the tropical climate of the region, the site presents one of the best examples of the monsoon system ...
Maps show the distribution of tropical montane cloud forests, as estimated using cloud ... provide many types of data about the planet's ecosystems, and the Map Of Life will begin incorporating ...
publish=yes The Mountain Climate Program was initiated in 1952 to evaluate the relationship between climate and the major ecosystem types of the Front ... spanning a 1540 m altitudinal transect: lower ...
Ecosystems investigated include temperate deciduous and mixed coniferous forest (Montane US), grassland/forest ecotones (front range CO), mediterranean chaparral and grassland (CA), and high elevation ...
Research focuses on how plants, animals and physical processes in forest, rangeland and montane ecosystems respond to varying temperature and moisture regimes, with a focus on their impacts upon ...