The six-mile-wide asteroid punched a one-way ticket toward extinction for all non-avian dinosaurs. Some 66 million years ...
It’s fun to imagine secret dinosaur survivors living today, hidden in a remote corner of Earth. But the truth of who made it ...
In 2021, a team led by Dr Gary Kinsland of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette found evidence that the impact and ...
Scientists have created a new map of "mega ripples" on the seafloor caused by the Chicxulub asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs, revealing further the events that led to the devastating mass ...
Buried "megaripples" — some the size of five-story buildings — are helping scientists piece together the devastation following the impact that wiped out the nonavian dinosaurs.
Around 600 million years ago, Earth was home to strange, soft-bodied sea creatures, but a powerful asteroid impact in what is ...
They flattened forests, left massive craters and even killed the dinosaurs. Learn all about Earth’s hugest asteroid strikes.
An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs. The crash left a giant crater around 110 ... Additionally, sulfur in the atmosphere from ...
"Megaripples" in the seafloor that were created in the aftermath of the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact extend much farther than scientists originally thought, new research shows. The findings ...