Downtown Loveland was bright Friday evening during the Festival of Lights, the annual kickoff of the holiday season in town, culminating in the lighting of an enormous Christmas tree in front of ...
A gathering to mark the “Festival of Lights” lit up Fifth Street on Tuesday as dozens gathered to light a menorah and catch gelt from Loveland Fire Rescue Authority’s tower crane engine.
Downtown Loveland’s Festival of Lights: 5 p.m. Nov. 30, Fourth Street downtown. Tree located in front of the Rialto, 228 E. Fourth St., Loveland. Festival of lights countdown at 6 p.m. Carriage ...
Around noon at the Frogman Festival, the Pied Piper of Loveland, a “mysterious bagpiper ... There were frequent reported sightings of lights and metallic crafts in the sky at the time ...
However, Loveland, Colorado, has something more community-driven in mind: the Sweetheart Festival. On Friday ... performances coordinated by Find Your Light Theatre owner Brandon Harrington.
Around noon at the Frogman Festival, the Pied Piper of Loveland, a “mysterious bagpiper ... There were frequent reported sightings of lights and metallic crafts in the sky at the time ...