Mount Etna tour guide Dario Teri told Storyful that Etna is one of the few volcanoes where people can ski "near a lava field.
A volcano in Hawaii put on another spectacular display, spewing lava up to 600 feet in the air, according to officials and photos.
Dramatic video captured professional skiers carving down the snowy slopes of Mount Etna on the eastern coast of Sicily at night ... skiing is possible "near a lava field." The skiers adhered ...
The beautiful experience was documented by Dario Teri, of Etna Summit Craters, and shows the daredevils making their way to the crater late at night on ... ski “near a lava field.” ...
Storyful reported the skiers went to the crater on the night of Feb. 11 ... one of the few volcanoes where people can ski "near a lava field." However, the Italian Civil Protection Agency has ...