Some of the caves were used by our now-extinct relatives, including the Neanderthals, Denisovans and Homo erectus. Lascaux cave in southwestern France contains about 680 painted frescoes and 1,500 ...
The Lascaux cave paintings are some of the most famous examples of Paleolithic artwork. Created by the Magdalenians, a late Ice Age society that lived in central Europe between 20,000 and 14,500 ...
In 1963, the French government closed the Lascaux cave, restricting access to some of the world’s best examples of prehistoric art over concerns that carbon dioxide from visitors’ breathing ...
It was dangerous work, judging by a scene painted in the renowned Lascaux cave of a man being killed by a bison. Other tableaux are hard to interpret without knowing what cultural beliefs and ...
"You lucky thing." Thrift shopper stunned after discovering value of clothing item purchased for 50 cents: 'Now I'm terrified ...
Situated in southwestern France, Lascaux Cave is world-famous for its stunning Paleolithic cave paintings. Unearthed in 1940, ...
Elle vient de sortir un film long de 1h20. Dans le cadre de sa promotion touristique, l'office de tourisme Lascaux-Dordogne Vallée Vézère recherche des figurants pour un reportage photo/vidéo.
Retour sur un succès mondial « Lascaux III » : l’exposition revient à Bordeaux avant un nouveau tour du monde Vidéo. Lascaux : « On découvre de nouvelles choses à chaque fois », comment ...
En 2012, l’exposition itinérante Lascaux III avait déjà été présentée à Bordeaux, avant d’effectuer un périple aux États-Unis, au Canada et en Asie. JEAN-PIERRE MULLER / AFP Après ...
The London design studio designed a sequence of interpretative galleries and a handheld multimedia guide for the Lascaux International Centre for Cave Art. The Lascaux IV Caves Museum, designed by ...