Iceland's meteorological office recorded ... Volcanic outbreaks in the Reykjanes peninsula are so-called fissure eruptions, which do not cause large explosions or significant dispersal of ash ...
A new volcanic eruption has occurred on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula ... Drone photographer Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove flew over the fissure caused by the volcano in the early hours of 21 November ...
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A small new fissure eruption in an ice-free area of Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano system prompted authorities to raise their warning of the risk of ash to aviation to the ...
An Icelandic peninsula experienced its fourth eruption since December with lava from a new volcanic fissure steadily advancing ... Volcano erupts on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula after weeks ...
Iceland is facing a "worst case ... closer to the "thriving fishing town" than December's eruption, he continued – and "then a smaller fissure opened even closer to people's homes".
This image provided by Iceland Civil Defense shows lava erupting from a volcano between Hagafell and Stóri-Skógfell, Iceland, on on Saturday, March 16, 2024. (Iceland Civil Defense/The ...
Since October, this magma began "pushing its way along a fissure towards ... from the University of Iceland's Nordic Volcanological Center, told Live Science. If an eruption does take place ...
A volcanic eruption started Monday night on Iceland’s Reykjanes peninsula after ... In March 2021, lava fountains erupted from a fissure in the ground measuring between 500 to 750 metres ...
It is the fourth eruption in Iceland since December, the country's meteorological office has confirmed. Reykjavik's airport remains open but the last time the volcano erupted in February more than ...
When the Laki fissure erupted in 1783, eighteenth-century "science ... "Volcanic Gas and Aerosol Hazards from a Future Laki-Type Eruption in Iceland." In Volcanic Hazards, Disaster & Risks, edited by ...