Reporter Edward Rowe has been hearing your memories of Cavendish House.
It is a highly important historic thoroughfare in Cheltenham’s excellent Regency townscape. Replacing the flagstones with ...
Canada Life, the owners of Cavendish House are considering new mixed-use plans for the historic retail site which may include ‘substantial town centre housing’. In April, Cheltenham’s Civic ...
according to a community group which aims to conserve the architectural and historical features of the spa town. Cheltenham Civic Society is calling for the owners of Cavendish House – Canada ...
Plans to remove historic flagstones and replace them ... are considering the removal of some of the York stone outside Cavendish House and replacing them with a strip of tarmac.
Cheltenham Civic Society (CCS) has launched an online petition asking Gloucestershire County Council to put a stop to its plans to rip up the York stone paving slabs outside Cavendish House.