Ambrosia and nectar were the food and drink of the gods symbolizing the divine nature and immortality of the Olympians.
I n Greek mythology, Hera was the goddess of women, marriage and married life. She was the queen of the gods by her marriage to Zeus. In art, she was generally depicted wearing a crown and a ...
Hera, Poseidon, and Athena chained and ... Thus Dionysos (Dionysus), the twice-born, was born. Like most gods of the Greek pantheon, Zeus was both loved and feared, and expected piety and devotion ...
Nyx is the is the Ancient Greek goddess of the night.  Unlike her sister, Eos, the goddess of the Dawn, Nyx is a mysterious figure.
Seen dressed as the Greek god in what mimicked a poster for an ... to one that Schwarzenegger posted with herself dressed as Hera — Zeus' wife — Hayek, 55, wrote, "I am very excited that ...
In this, the ancients looked to Hades, god of the underworld, brother of Zeus and Poseidon ... Those of the great gods on the Greek island of Samothrace took place at night, with flickering ...
Greek mythology is a popular history of myths and beliefs from ancient Greece, and they have continued to receive attention, ...
Starting with the beginning, Mythos takes the reader through the creation of the world, as told by the Greeks and then ...
Alfred Molina has just joined the cast for Blood of Zeus season 3 as he will be featuring in the series as one of the most ...