The pliosaur was a carnivorous reptilian apex predator that roamed and ruled the seas for millions of years during the ...
Pitcher plants are a type of carnivorous climbing plant known for their characteristic pitcher-shaped traps. These are used to capture and digest insects and small animals; some species also ...
These tales are worse. Horrific summer travels? These tales are worse. New type of carnivorous plant found in mountain bogs New type of carnivorous plant found in mountain bogs Meat-Eating Plant ...
Police say two climbers spent the night atop of the Totem Pole in Tasmania's south-east after their ropes became "entangled" in high winds. Several attempt were made to rescue the pair by air and ...
What you may not expect to find is a host of carnivorous plants ... so any insects climbing on the plants will be trapped and give the plant the nutrients it can't get from the soil.