Cleveland Heights Mayor Kahlil Seren's office says construction on the $1.292 million project will start in March.
Heavy congestion has improved to a steady flow after traffic was blocked in all directions at the Eagle Road eastbound ...
A reconstruction project along 42nd Street Northeast will launch on March 17 to help improve the aging infrastructure.
Hampton Way traffic reduced to one lane for ADA ramp installation as part of Wake Forest Road Resurfacing Project.
Traffic is blocked in all directions at the Eagle Road eastbound off-ramp because of a rollover crash. Emergency crews are on ...
The City of Lewiston is making strides in improving pedestrian safety and accessibility with its 17th Street sidewalk in-fill ...
The additional distance from the roadway will allow more room for ... the addition of an ADA compliant lift and a new wheelchair ramp that will improve access to the restrooms and concession ...