Lonerock is a city in Gilliam County, Oregon, United States, twenty miles east of Condon. The population was 21 at the 2010 census. The settlement began in the early 1870s, as a service center for the surrounding ranches. It was platted in 1882 as "Lone Rock", named for an unusual, 35-foot -high rock that still stands in the town near the old Methodist church. The U.S. Postal Service had a preference for one-word names, so name of the post office was "Lonerock", which eventually became the community's official name. The city's population grew from 68 in 1900 to 70 in 1910, 73 in 1920, to a high of 82 in 1930. By 1940, Lonerock's population dwindled to 46, dropped to 38 in 1950, 31 in 1960, and to 12 residents in 1970. The population increased to 26 citizens in 1980, before falling to 11 in the 1990 census.